Monthly Archives: February 2015

Reviving drugs with anti-stroke potential, minus side effects

February 27th, 2015 (No Comments)

pH-dependent NMDA receptor antagonists — more active in the injured areas of the brain

A structure for SorLA/LR11

February 17th, 2015 (No Comments)

First identified by Alzheimer’s researchers at Emory, the structure of the SorLA protein, aka LR11, was recently determined. SorLA appears to scavenge toxic beta-amyloid in the brain.

Explainer: oncolytic viruses

February 16th, 2015 (No Comments)

Viruses are masters of stealth and manipulation. So cancer researchers can learn a lot from them.

Immune ‘traffic jam’ from viral infection

February 13th, 2015 (No Comments)

Immune complexes formed during an active infection can clog the receptors needed for therapeutic antibodies to work

Nox4 inhibitor expands its reach to A-T

February 12th, 2015 (No Comments)

Ataxia telangiectasia, a multifaceted genetic disorder, is often marked by prominent blood vessels in the eyes

Insecticide-ADHD link, with caveats

February 4th, 2015 (No Comments)

There’s a dopamine-environment connection. Maybe.

Threshold for long-term marijuana effects on lung function

February 2nd, 2015 (No Comments)

Exposure to 20 joint-years is a threshold for marijuana’s long-term effects on lung function, Emory researchers found